The first self portrait I received was from Cameron. He says he was "creating mysteries to solve later...Sherlock Holmes style." Thanks Cameron. Maybe you can let us in on one of those mysteries! Is that what you try to keep up as an image? a mystery? might work out with the ladies! Who knows! :0)

Next, I received a couple's self portrait! They titled it "Happiness!" What a cute couple! Art proposed to Kim just two nights before this was taken! So sweet! I wish them never-ending happiness!

Then came a picture of a good friend, Michael. What a wonderful portrayal of his sweet heart and his loving father demeanor. I accepted this as a self portrait, even though he did not take it! I think others can catch the "best" real you when you aren't expecting it sometimes!

Stay tuned for a REAL self portrait from Michael! Love him! He makes me laugh!
A+ for the day goes to Elaina as she sent a real, raw self portrait. Thanks, Elaina! She says,
"It’s me being silly with the fruit roll-ups that tattoo your tongue. It was right before a big museum event, I was super stressed (as you can see by the dark circles under my eyes and no makeup), and just having a little fun."
Then there is my loving husband. His is so true. He has a picture here that is in between two decisions...sort of funny thinking about going back to what he had... to beard or not to beard??
I love my husband, the dreamer. He racks his brain every minute of each day about how he will make our future together better. He often gets caught up in decisions or ideas and can't ever decide! Too late to go back to the beard, honey! Love you! Thanks for sharing!
Matt...if you do not know him...the picture says it all. Knowledge of movies and time spent on movies is AT LEAST half of his life! Very creative! Thanks Matt! True self portrait!

Last but not least...we leave you with a conversation I had with Michael (aka @Stlfanmls) over Twitter.
"And what does this portray about you?" I asked.
Michael replied, "That I am a shy guy and that I like hats maybe!!!" LOL Yes, shy. (NOT A BIT!) Micheal, maybe you can clue us in on the laughs that you had in that bathroom mirror before having the crazy idea of sharing this with the whole world of Twitter??? So funny! Where in the world do you get a hat that small??? hehehehehe :0) Thanks Michael!
Love that personality you all shared with me! Remember...Giggles on picture day are unforgettable, but the smiles and laughs that the photos create years later are priceless! Start capturing those moments!!! Create them first! Love your family and friends. They are all we have!

Matt...if you do not know him...the picture says it all. Knowledge of movies and time spent on movies is AT LEAST half of his life! Very creative! Thanks Matt! True self portrait!

Last but not least...we leave you with a conversation I had with Michael (aka @Stlfanmls) over Twitter.
"And what does this portray about you?" I asked.

Love that personality you all shared with me! Remember...Giggles on picture day are unforgettable, but the smiles and laughs that the photos create years later are priceless! Start capturing those moments!!! Create them first! Love your family and friends. They are all we have!
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