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Welcome to my blog. Here you can follow my past professional sessions as well as my personal photography. I have camera and do travel as long as we can find some natural light at our destination. I typically do not take paid jobs as of 2015, but love to practice new ideas on cute child models or four-legged friends!

Operation Winston!

Operation Winston...working on his manners...

Winston and I have been to the park two nights in a row! Let's see how long this will last. He and I have been working on two things:

Letting him out the front door and expecting him to go straight to the car. This has been tried in the past, and...well...you know JRTs...ZOOOOOOOM! He ran down the driveway, across the neighbors' yard (on the corner) and down the side street just north of our house! What is down that street that he was running toward, you ask?? A yard with chain-link fence and two large pit bulls.

It has since been a joke that, "no, we can't try it again...we don't have our tennis shoes on!"

He is growing up, you know!? He turned 7 months old on July 20th, so when we went left for the park yesterday, we tried it again. ZOOOOOOM! Straight down the driveway...but wait...he turned to look where we were going! I spoke loud and quick, telling him CAR, Come on!, Let's Go! over and over and he CAME! He went around to Deaver's side and jumped right in the open and awaiting door that we both had ready for him so we wouldn't have to run around the block again!

At the park, we are working on his leash-walking skills! He is just so fast and so curious that he pulls at his leash the whole time! I have done a little research on leash training, so I tried a few of the tips and it seemed to work a tad last night. He was only pulling every 20 steps instead of every 2!

Operation Winston Day One = Successful!

Operation Hillary...yes, this is for me too! I plan to get into better shape. One trip around Medi Park seems a little sad, but it is a start! Maybe we will work on more laps as we move into the second week of our plan!

Day Two = He went straight to the car this time! He did so well...I had my tennis shoes on just in case! (and for the park, so this works out well) I was a little scared because we were getting into the mustang and he rarely rides in that car. We are typically in Deaver's car when we take him out. YES! This is working!

He pulled at his leash right when we got out of the car and a few times as we made our way down to the lake at Medi Park, but he did really well!

Stay tuned...I plan to take my camera to the park soon!

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