About Me

My photo
Welcome to my blog. Here you can follow my past professional sessions as well as my personal photography. I have camera and do travel as long as we can find some natural light at our destination. I typically do not take paid jobs as of 2015, but love to practice new ideas on cute child models or four-legged friends!

New addition to Barefoot Photography!

It's a.....PUPPY!!! The momma dog we have found in Spearman, TX had a litter of 5 just this morning. Josh and I will go soon to pick out the latest addition to our family. We will bring a Jack Russell Terrier puppy home late January or early February. We are ready for the crazy attitude of the terrier! We are ready for his/her energy to brighten our days! Stay tuned for more information and be ready for pictures of the baby just as if we have a newborn at home! We are going to be proud parents!

1 comment:

  1. Woo-hoo for you guys! Having a puppy IS a lot like having a baby around. Kaiden (and his mother and dad) will be here about midnight!! YEA - I can't wait! They'll be here a week. He is just recently into everything - doesn't really crawl but scoots around on his butt. Ashley and her 7 month old lab puppy will be here on Thursday. So I have been baby/puppy proofing my house. Her hubby has to fly in Christmas morning.
    Have a Merry Christmas! Gay
