Welcome to my blog. Here you can follow my past professional sessions as well as my personal photography. I have camera and do travel as long as we can find some natural light at our destination. I typically do not take paid jobs as of 2015, but love to practice new ideas on cute child models or four-legged friends!
He didn't love it, but he didn't hate it. He tried to get out a few times, but he barely reaches the top of the side of the bathtub when standing on his back legs! He is so soft and cuddly now!
We have had Winston since Sunday! What a sweet baby puppy he is!!! We just love him and he has taken over the house! He has met his maternal grandma "Honey," and his paternal grandparents "Pop and Grandmommy!" He is spoiled already. His new time to wake up is 3:30 am. I have sort of enjoyed the outside air in the middle of the night. It is so quiet and still out there at that time. Who would have ever known?
He has really adjusted to his new home well. He slept with this little fox toy for a few nights. I think it was his new buddy for a while! I dressed him up and photographed him while he was sleeping his first couple of days. He has the cutest little heart-shaped nose! He has started staying awake more already. He didn't eat much the first two days, but he is really eating like a big boy now!
Winston has spent most of his afternoons at school with me. He just LOVES school already! He has shown his most excited moments when he enters the office and classroom when Josh brings him to us up at school. My students just love Winston too!